Derik Badman over at Mad Ink Beard is doing some interesting things with experimental webcomics. He has been applying the principles of poetry to the comic format with some interesting results. So far he has come up with comics haiku and comics pantoum. I found this so interesting, that I'm trying to make my own comics sonnet and one in free verse that I'm releasing on November 26. (Can the more astute readers of this blog figure out why I picked that release date?)
I also started a Comixpedia wiki entry on what I am calling Graphic Poetry. We have the graphic novel to make longer narrative works in comics form, and we've probably always had graphic poems, too, but I am interested in seeing what cartoonists can do with this idea of visual rhyming and poetry applied to comics.
Be sure to check out Derik's other experiments, such as pictureless comics as well as his latest bi-weekly strip, Things Change.
And look forward to a few graphic poems from me. . .

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